Saturday, 7 May 2011


My £4.90 Shopping Basket for the Week
How many of us when we get home from shopping, before we put our food away in the fridge first fill up a carrier bag of food we haven't ate, stuff that's gone off, stuff you bought and you haven't a clue why?
I know I do, I say it to myself as I'm chucking it into the wheelie bin, what a waste.
I spend too much money on food and honestly I'm sick of it, so when I heard from my friend Adam about Living below the Line it seemed an idea opportunity to give myself a kick about my eating, shopping and spending habits!
So today I have wandered round the ASDA basket and calculator in hand and instead of returning with bag after bag of food I returned with one, one little carrier bag which will be my entire diet for the following week.
I was honestly surprised, it worked my mind actually thinking about what I was putting into my basket. Instead of being swayed by fancy packets and the smell of fresh bread and chicken being pumped into the air, I shopped with purpose. I found it so satisfying to come home and have enough food for a week for what I would normally spend on a Latte, £4.90 for a weeks shop!!
And of course this isn't just about me and my consumerism. The main purpose of this is to raise some money for the brilliant Results UK, you can read about their great work here
If you'd be so kind to support me you can sponsor me at
Wish me Luck! :)

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